There's more to life than just succeeding at things... there's people to learn from... there's places to discover... there's a new generation of minds looking at the world in a different and new perspective. It's not all perfect... nothing EVER is. That's humanity at it's core... imperfect; yet curious and brave enough to fight through the accepted traditions to find a new perspective and renewed purpose.
i360 Jewels
There's more to life than just succeeding at things... there's people to learn from... there's places to discover... there's a new generation of minds looking at the world in a different and new perspective. It's not all perfect... nothing EVER is. That's humanity at it's core... imperfect; yet curious and brave enough to fight through the accepted traditions to find a new perspective and renewed purpose.
The value of a person is not only in what others can benefit from them; but how well they can influence others to extract value from themselves. Your reflection can be found in every person you influence or interact with.
The value of a person is not only in what others can benefit from them; but how well they can influence others to extract value from themselves. Your reflection can be found in every person you influence or interact with.
The value of our life is not measured by the worth placed by others on us; but by the impacts and waves we create in the lives of those around us, whether they be positive or negative. Navigate your ship wisely and know when to steady the sails.
Our view of the world has little to do with what we see in others, but more to do with our personal character and growth in this life. If you want a better world…. start by becoming a better YOU…
The only truly important steps in life are those that are led by an INNER YEARNING to grow BEYOND selfish ambitions. The moment we don't need validation is the moment we are FREE to pursue our purpose WITHOUT RESTRAINT.
It's not about the goal; rather, it's about the JOURNEY and LESSONS along the pathway TOWARDS that goal that create VALUE and CHARACTER in our lives.
There are no opportunities too far from reach when you have the determination, perseverance and patience to properly administrate YOUR OWN RIGHT to that opportunity. Life is much like a symphony… conduct your masterpiece accordingly.
There is NO glory in CONTEMPT, NO honor in DECEIPT and NO success born from EGO. The success of most is merely an ILLUSION for self-glorification. The TRULY virtuous will see beyond the facades and embrace a life FREE from such vain concepts. They will pursue that which they know is a RIGHT of every soul, and acknowledge its potential in EVERYONE ELSE.
When overcoming obstacles makes you feel BETTER than others; you have approached life incorrectly. The purpose of OBSTACLES serves as life's HUMBLING MOMENTS that remind us we are INATELY CAPABLE to SUCCEED no matter the flaws and vices we may have. The "LESSON" should teach you that EVERYONE has this ability inside themselves; we just rarely exercise the VIRTUES in our nature.
Sometimes adversities in life are NOT tests of Faith. Sometimes it's simply a result of BAD DECISIONS that need correction. Seek the LESSON in every moment and don't be blinded to the PERSONAL ROLE your decisions and outlook play in these moments. Don't cheat yourself from the opportunity to BE BETTER!